Data Science, ML and Analytics Engineering

About the author / Contacts

My name is Renat. I live and work in the city of Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan. I’m currently working as a Deep Learning Scientist/ Machine Learning Engineer. I mainly work with faces and medical images. In addition, I am currently working as a mentor at Yandex.Practicum. I help students to master the profession of Data Analyst and Data Scientist.

For a long time I worked in banks. I was a lead in internal audit, introduced DS / ML approaches there. Then I worked as a team lead in scoring and credit analysis.

In this blog I write tutorials and practical tips on DS and ML, talk about the career, application and training of Data Science. My interests and goals: MedTech, AdTech, EduTech.

You can contact me through:

  • I design and develop a service with a machine learning component
  • I blogging in Telegram channel about the career, application and training of Data Science (Russian Language in general)
  • I participate in competitions on the kaggle: profile
  • Kazakhstan data science/machine learning community
    • Moderate 2500+ member strong Telegram chat with a learning resources archive and a job board (1500+ members)
    • Organized a community for online co-op courses
  • Writing articles for NewTechAudit
Podcasts with me

Code and coffee # 8. Who and how is using Deep Learning to diagnose COVID-19 in Kazakhstan? (Russian)

Искусственный интеллект помогает казахстанским врачам диагностировать коронавирус
Artificial intelligence helps Kazakh doctors diagnose coronavirus
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